Coro de niños de la Comunidad Huilliche de Chiloé | en

Luis Coronel (born Luis Miguel Coronel Gamez; February 3, 1996) is a musician, and singer-songwriter. Coronel was discovered by Angel Del Villar (a Chairman of the house record label) who worked with DEL Records who came across by Luis's videos on YouTube and social network. This young composer delights writing new songs, and is very excited because this May 28, 2013 will be released their first single "Mi Niña Traviesa" in iTunes and will be also playing by all the stations of the American Union. Contents 1 Early life, 2 Social Networks, 3 Influences 3.1 2013: Con la Frente en...
Since 2001 Tres Coronas has been taking over the streets of New York City with the hip-hop combination of Colombians P.N.O., Rocca and Dominican Reychesta. With the goal of crowning the game of Spanish Hip Hop, Tres Coronas took their career in their own hands by producing and distributing mix tapes independently throughout the United States, Latin America and Europe, under their own label “Parcero Productions”. .
Originarios del barrio popular madrileño de Vallecas, Andrés, José, Nacho y Ruso, iniciaron la aventura en marzo del 95 cuando con menos de dos semanas de vida, el grupo se subió a un escenario. Nacido de las propias inquietudes de sus miembros, Hechos Contra El Decoro es ante todo un grupo militante que sabe de que habla. Un grupo cuyo textos te mandan directamente a la calle, que comparte contigo frescura y sinceridad sus alegrías y penas, las historias de su barrio y las injusticias de la sociedad actual. No se trata de grandes ideas sino más bien de pequeñas...
Comunidade Nin-Jitsu is the greatest Brazilian band ever, formed in 1995 in the capital city Porto Alegre. Mano Changes (Brother Changes) is the band leader and an example to brazilian society. I wish I was him... The song "Arrastão do Amor" was considered by the "Rolling Stones" magazine as the coolest music of the history. Currently researches says that people who listen to this band will have a beautiful future. .