Donnette Thayer | en

"That's a power drill", Nick responds, when questioned about a particular sound in one of his tracks. "It took me ages to tune it. I had to charge the thing and then drill thin air until the batteries ran out just the right amount." Never one to follow trends, Nick grew up on a steady diet of Queen and Peter Gabriel whilst still joining others moshing to Nirvana and Pearl Jam. Macking to Mark Morrison, whilst playing guitar in funk, punk or cock rock bands. At some stage Nick found himself DJing at a party, and realising this as a...
Over the fog mountains, through the Town of Bloodpine, there is a place. A place where the scarecrow points, where the fields burn because he set them ablaze. The place is Thayer Cabin. A man lives there with his friends. He didn't always live there though. He's crossed its path many times, but it wasn't until later he found the key. There's snow here all the time, and the hollow corpses of raccoons, and squirrels, and vermin hang from twine. He leaves his flesh at the door, never removes his hat, and he never, ever ..........speaks. Welcome to Thayer Cabin....
Donnette Thayer's CD "Chaos and Wonder" is available here: Donnette has contributed the track "Peregrine" to the 2009 ALS Charity CD, "Songs for Jenny". Please check it out and help if you can! .