One band called Seven Deadly Sins lives in Twin Falls Idaho, they play extreme metal and don't really try to stay in one style of metal, they have influences from every style of metal, disbanded in mid 2010 and the founders and songwriters Andy Carruthers and Thomas Fivecoat still use the name occasionally for songs seperate from their current band .
The Cousins from Belgium 1960's recorded guitar instrumentals and a handfull of vocals. Songs include Buddha/Kana Kapila,and Kili Watch/Pepermint Twist.Released as The Continental Cousins in the U.S. .
The Formaldehyde Junkies were a 1980s-style hardcore punk band from Minneapolis, with a style similar to The Fix, The Necros, and The F.U.’s. The band featured ex-members of Damage Deposit and Any Last Words. .
1) Sins of the Flesh is Thrash Metal/Crust band from California, USA. The band starts to play in 1985. In 1988 band releases their debut album called "Greed". After one year, in 1989 Sins of the Flesh records EP under Desperate Attempt Records label which contains 3 songs and it's called "Know Your Enemy". In 1989 they splited-up. 2) Not many acts spend 16 years thinking about how to follow up their first album: yet that is how long the world has been waiting for SOTF to deliver on the promise of 1990's seminal debut FIRST COMMUNION. Hailed by fans...
Seven Daily Sins started in 2006 in Minsk, Belarus, by members of a few local bands. Having recorded the first EP Psychache in 2007, the band stepped on a less beaten path, which could be heard on 3-tracks demo Sculpturing Void (2009). Experimenting with twisted, layered death metal and jazzy/math vibes, the guys continued writing, and by the end of 2009 eight songs were ready to be recorded. However, it took one more year before the recording actually happened, as one of the guys had to move to Europe for a better job, so the band could afford a good...