Kalm vs Assamalla | en

Kalmer Tennosaar (23. november 1928 Vastse-Kuuste vald Kiidjärve – 20. september 2004) oli eesti laulja. Tennosaar kasvas üles Kiidjärvel, kus tema isa pidas möldri ametit. Tennosaar ütles enda kohta "Kiidjärve poiss". 1955. aastal võitis Eesti Televisiooni diktorite konkursi. 1. jaanuarist 1956 alustas ta tööd ETV-s diktorina, hiljem jätkas muusikasaadete toimetajana. Ta töötas Eesti Televisioonis algul diktorina, hiljem muusikasaadete toimetajana. Väga populaarne oli tema juhitud laste laulusaade "Entel-tentel", tänu millele tema üldtuntud hüüdnimeks sai "onu Kalmer". 1957. aastal võitis Moskva Noorsoofestivalilt medali. 1962–1968 keskendus Tennosaar oma lauljakarjäärile, tehes teletöös pausi. 1968. aastal saabus suur populaarsus saadetega "Entel-tentel" ja "Trika-trei" ETV ekraanil....
Nockalm Quintett Unquestionably one of the leading volkstümliche musik acts of their era, the Nockalm Quintett is an Austrian schlagerband with a long list of hits and accolades to their credit, as well as dozens of albums. The band was active during much of the 1980s, releasing albums regularly, but they didn't score any significant hits until 1987, when "Drei Finger aufs Herz" and "Gib Mir als Souvenir ein Kleines Bild von Dir" established them as a rising act amid the Austrian volkstümliche musik scene. Two years later, their song "Spiel Nie mit dem Feuer" won the televised ZDF-Superhitparade and...
There is more than one artist with the name Kalm. 1. KALM was estonian Pagan/Black metal band. KALM began it's journey as a single man's (Alan) art-output which showed the rage and anger of heathen loneliness in it's roughest way. Alan managed to release 4 demos by himself, but for gigs He needed some assistance. Eku (drums) was the first choise because KALM wouldn't have sounded "KALMly" any other way ... and naturally 'cause of the elder fellowship. Since 1999 the rehearsals were delivered 4some already although the arrangements and music came from Alan's deepest minds. In 2000 KALM released...
Skálmöld is a metal band from Reykjavík, Iceland. The band was formed in August 2009 and originally had 5 members, all of whom had been formerly active in other bands, but not all metal. From day one the band started to lay the groundwork to what would become the band's debut album. After a couple of months a new member joined the band, a keyboard player, and thus it stands today. The sixth member's classical background brought a new dimension to the band's songwriting and various classical, as well as traditional, references can be spotted in the band's armoury. Skálmöld's...
Born and raised in Paris, France, Ariel started playing the recorder at age 9 and saxophone at 15. During his successive studies of Electronics, Computer Science, Music and Art in Paris, Ariel performed with several bands, then toured the world and visited Europe, Japan, India, Eastern Canada, and parts of the USA. Apart from rhythm & blues, pop and jazz, he acquired assorted experiences in middle-age French, electro-acoustic, and modal music. All the travels broadened Ariel's musical horizons tremendously; listening to and playing with different styles, people, and instruments, intricate scales, techniques, timing and rhythms. After learning circular breathing from...
Found 1 songs, duration: 47:50
2000 - Igaveseks mälestama mõistetud