The Golden Republic | en

SWEDISH MELODIC NEOCLASSICAL METAL EXPLOSION 2010 IS HERE WITH GOLDEN RESURRECTION. In 2008 Tommy Johansson composer, guitarist and vocalist in melodic powermetal band ReinXeed & Christian Liljergren vocalist and founder of DIVINEFIRE, NARNIA & AUDIOVISION started to write songs together as GOLDEN RESURRECTION as they both have huge passion for melodic neoclassical metal. Together with bassplayer Stefan Käck, drummer Rickard Gustafsson (Pantokrator) & Olov Andersson (Audiovision & Grand Stand) GOLDEN RESURRECTION was born. These days we don’t hear so much neoclassical metal very often but Christian & Tommy have built up a strong fanbase in ASIA ,SOUTH AMERICA and EUROPE...
Republica are an alternative rock band formed in 1994 in England, United Kingdom. The group consists of Samantha Sprackling (aka Saffron, vocals), Tim Dorney (keyboards), Johnny Male (guitars) and Pete Riley (drums). Other members have been Andy Todd (keyboards), David Barbarossa (drums), Alix Tiernan (percussion) and Mick Pirie (bass). The Republica sound was described by the band as "techno-pop punk rock". Former Flowered Up keyboard player Tim Dorney and Andy Todd founded Republica. Saffron was born in 3 June 1968 in Ibadan, Nigeria. She was an actress at one point, performing for two years in London's Starlight Express. She also...
OneRepublic is an American, self-proclaimed "genreless", band formed in Colorado Springs in 2002 by Ryan Tedder and Zach Filkins. After a few years of moderate success, they have since drawn mainstream attention with the release of their single "Apologize," which has sold in excess of 7 million singles worldwide. The song, according to SoundScan Data, is one of only two songs that have reached 3 million legal downloads in history. A remix of "Apologize" was featured on Timbaland's Shock Value and the band's debut album, Dreaming Out Loud, produced by Greg Wells. Their debut album was released in the United...
Official site: 八木類(Gt/Syn/Cho)、武井優心(Vo/Ba)、 吉田アディム(Gt/Syn/Cho)、山崎正太郎(Dr/Cho) 2010年 3月 Vo/Bの武井優心、Drの山崎正太郎が中心となり結成。同月31日下北沢にて初ライブ。 4月 サポートギターで吉田アディムが参加し、その後正式加入。 5月 武井(B)とアディム(G)がThe Mirrazのサポートメンバーとしてツアーに参加。 11月 結成半年にして、初音源”erectionary”(エレクショナリー)をタワーレコード限定発売。 同月 The MirrazのツアーのOAとして全国を回る。 2011年 2月 サポートギターだった八木が正式加入し新作の制作に着手。 6月 初の全国流通となる4曲入りシングル”Casually”(カジュアリー)をリリース。 10月 待望の1stアルバム”Maminka”をリリース。 「母なる大地ツアー」と題したリリースツアーを全国7箇所で行い、大盛況に終わる。 2012年 6月 2枚目となるミニアルバム”DINOSAUR”リリース決定。 .
Golden Child (골든차일드), formerly known as Woollim Boys, is a eleven-member korean boy group under Woollim Entertainment. The group consists of members Dae Yeol, Y, Jae Seok, Jang Jun, TAG, Seung Min, Jae Hyun, Ji Beom, Dong Hyun, Joo Chan and Bo Min. The group debuted on August 28, 2017 with the mini album, "Gol-Cha!". .