Вежливый отказ | en

Vezhliviy Otkaz, which means "polite refusal" in English, is a Russian rock band. Around 1986, they did perform in ripped tuxedos and throw pieces of raw meat into the audience, but this was a passing, and nearly forgotten, stage in their career. The band was formed in 1985 with a then-popular reggae/ska blend. Since then, they have gone through numerous stylistic changes, flirting with everything from free jazz to Russian folk. Their sound, however, has always been unique and immediately recognizable. Suslov's rhythmic guitar work and unusual high-pitched vocals gives Polite Refusal's music a precisely constructed, crystal-clear sound that is...
Found 172 songs, duration: 20:47:19
Вежливый отказ
Портрет (Кончерто №27)
Несу я украдкой
11-Полоса неудач
Статуи отцов
Летаргический сон
25-Встречное движение
В чужих озерах сна
Несу я украдкой
Колокола (Версия 1990 года)
Бурятская Морская (2010)
Босса-Нова / 2015
Коса на камень
Далеко не на каждой планете
Летаргический сон
Вежливый отказ
Коля и Соловей / 2011
В чужих озерах сна