Michael McDonald (born February 12, 1952, in St. Louis, Missouri) is an American R&B/soul singer (sometimes described as a "blue-eyed soul" singer), known for his trademark husky baritone voice. McDonald played in several local bands (such as Mike and the Majestics, Jerry Jay and the Sheratons, the Reebtoors, and The Guild) while attending McCluer High School in his hometown of Ferguson, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis. He was 'discovered' while playing with a group called Blue and consequently moved to Los Angeles in 1970. He first gained wide attention as an adjunct member of the group Steely Dan, providing...
Alexandru Jula (* 24 iulie 1934, Şimleu Silvaniei) este un interpret de muzică uşoară. A debutat la Televiziune pe 23 august 1962, iar la Radio pe 1 ianuarie 1963. Activitatea profesională De la 1 octombrie 1954 intră în echipa Teatrului Muzical "Nicolae Leonard" din Galaţi, secţia estradă. Acolo debutează în spectacolul "Sugestii şi reclamaţii" cu piesele "E toamnă iar" (Şt. Kardoş) şi povestea cu Ileana Cosânzeana" (Nicolae Kirculescu). Între 1965-1971 colaborează şi la premierele Teatrului "Constantin Tănase" din Bucureşti ("Carnaval la Tănase", "Aventurile unei umbrele", "Al optulea magnific", etc), numărându-se printre invitaţii permanenţi ai spectacolelor Capitalei. Din 1972, timp de...
Influenced and inspired by the hip hop and dance music of the nineties and harboring a slight obsession with robots, Andru Pozzatron is quickly rising to the top of the pool of emerging, cutting-edge dance music DJs and producers. “I think that my attraction to house music is partially due to its ability to bring you out of any funk and my tracks are simply a reflection of this,” Andru says. “I make music to make people dance.” And dance they do. Hailing from Toronto, Ontario with a background mainly in hip hop, Andru developed the desire to learn how...
Found 1 songs, duration: 03:43