Carjack | en

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Carjack consists of one man, an army or robots, a guitar and a drum machine, who allegedly crash landed on Earth two years ago from the ex-planet Pluto. Carjack is the brainchild and also the alter-ego of Metro Detroit musicphile and home-recording-mad-scientist Lo Fi Bri. If it's possible to whittle down this anomaly, then it's essentially hardcore/American-underground-informed punk rock mixed with the early experimental days of techno, with a freer, straightforward lyricism. Hardly dance-punk and hardly electro-rock, Carjack has a futuristic, aerodynamic sound that blends freewheeling cartoonish antics, hard-pounding beats from a drum machine, shredded SST-inspired guitar riffs, Atari samples, break-danceable rhythms and rousing anthems. .

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