Cartavetro | en

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CRTVTR's path is a path of both the physic and the mind, where experimentation has always walked arm in arm with improvisation.
Everything that music can teach human beings about themselves, is what Cartavetro want to learn from music.
The aim might seem pretentious, we are well aware of it, but it's just seemingly so: it's all simply about regaining possession of that pleasure of experimentation, in a ludic sense, that children feel when they play.
The effort is that of keeping together an elementary expressive urgency (rock?) with a necessity, as strong as the latter, of exploring the music uttered. The instrument is thus the sound, not the bass , the drums or the guitar.
Some forms are just sketched, other clearly non-finished, and it is not simply a self-condescending vice: it is more of a necessity, to throw it out here and now, always. The firm belief is that it is inside the edges that you can find the exact spirit of the moment.
Some sounds are excessive, some forms crooked, some solutions difficult, but they spring from the need to acquire a new point of view and to never give anything for granted, not even the sound uttered by the classic instruments, that of the power trio, prominently rock.
That is like saying that complexity is the opposite of adulteration, that simplicity is the opposite of banality, and that music is a performatory art. .

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