Dakoda Motor Co. | en

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines and get ready for the ride of your life. If you like energetic guitars, insightful lyrics, infectious melodies and absolutely fabulous vocals, you are going to love Dakoda Motor Company. Behind the wheels of this musical adventure lie the talents of lead vocalist Davia Vallesillo, guitarist Peter King, bassist Derik Toy, drummer Chuck Cummings and the band's newest member, guitarist Elliot Chenault. Dakoda is a band with a collection of lively tunes that defy categorization. Some call it pop. Others label it alternative. To many it's surfer rock, but whatever you call it - it's fun music with an important message. The nucleus of the band came together when Davia and Peter met at the beach in LaJolla, California. Pretty soon they were leading worship services and began looking for other creative individuals interested in combining music and ministry in a cutting edge band. They found kindred spirits in Chuck, Derik and Elliot. All accomplished musicians on the local scene. The band soon developed an enthusiastic following as they garnered rave reviews opening for mainstream bands like Mary's Danish and dada. Dakoda enjoyed success in the early 90’s, playing and touring with bands ranging form Christian Music’s then giant Petra, to playing on the Vans Warped tour, and everywhere in between. With Davia at the wheel, Dakoda Motor Company is a band that will take you for a ride that you will never forget.
