Didrapest | en

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Didrapest is Hanan Ben Armon, based in the sunny southern city of Israel, Beer Sheva, talented promising producer, with an impressive resume behind him. Didrapest has been traveling the world, performing and playing his famous Live Set's, in countries, such as Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Germany, Austria, Sweden, and Italy, to a name a few. During 2008, Didrapest productions have been released on numerous compilation release, under top international labels, such as: Yahel's label FTP Records, Phonokol, Planet B.E.N, Enigmatic Sound Japan, Sirius, Dacru.

Didrapest remix to Yahel known hit D.N.A, received major feedbacks, from the entire global electronic music scene, and was released on Yahel's compilation Super Set II. After his successful collaboration album 'Psychedelic Injection' with the German producer Planet B.E.N, Didrapest is back, stronger then ever. .

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