Evil Wiener | en

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Evil Wiener were a goofball pop band that existed during the renaissance period of Chapel Hill, NC in the early 90s. Unlike the bands that characterized the region's sound, Evil Wiener played dirt simple rock songs and dressed up as elves, monsters, or basically as whatever they could find in the closets of their friends before the gig. They put on fun live shows and released a seven inch record called "The Truth About Mary Poppins" that is out of print and nearly impossible to track down.

Unfortunately, the band broke up before the release of their album, the Haunted House of our Love. A fun record laced with kookie sound effects and three chord gems. They did, however, leave behind quite a legacy. Countless bands in the Chapel Hill area have covered and continue to cover Evil Wiener songs.

The band reunites each Halloween and for a Christmas show at the CAVE in Chapel Hill. Also, band song-writer Bill McCormick still writes songs and sings as "Billy Sugarfix", and may show up with his theramin- and still dresses up. He makes regular podcasts from his website,Yay! He practices interactive song-writing at times, so you can join in. Also - If you're in need of a songster for hire, he'll write a personalized love song for you for your significant or semi-significant other. Extra points! .

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