Exivious | en

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How does an instrumental band speak to a listener? Through melancholic melodies and energetic rhythms, dense harmonies, starbursts of noise and breathless interludes. Through organic music that speaks of duality and plurality, of fleeting ideas and ephemeral moments, unexpected climaxes and explosive epiphanies – emotions from life captured in sound. That, in a nutshell, is Exivious, an instrumental quartet that channels a truly unique voice within the contemporary music scene.

The sound of Exivious is hard to define; it operates in a space where metal meets fusion meets post-rock and still is none of the above. The band blends a wide variety of musical genres into a coherent, unified sound that’s driven by the incredible chemistry shared by the band members. The instrumental quartet consists of Tymon Kruidenier (ex-Cynic) and Michel Nienhuis (Dodecahedron) on guitars, Robin Zielhorst (ex-Cynic) on fretless bass and Yuma van Eekelen (ex-Pestilence, The New Dominion) on drums.

A brief history

Exivious was founded by Tymon Kruidenier as the culmination of an unlikely vision – to bring together two disparate genres, jazz fusion and metal, in a previously unexplored way. It was in 2005 that a stable line-up came together, with Tymon Kruidenier, Robin Zielhorst, Michel Nienhuis and Stef Broks (Textures). The modern era Exivious was born.

Exivious’ critically acclaimed debut was released independently in 2009. The self-titled album instantly captured the imagination of fans and critics alike, with reviewers calling it “a genre-defining album” (Sputnikmusic.com), “an incredible album which emanates class and skill” (Avant-gardeMetal.com) and “easily…one of the top releases of 2009” (Prog-sphere.com).

But in 2010, Tymon and Robin's commitment to US prog metal band Cynic forced Exivious to take a break. The move to the United States meant that they couldn’t give Exivious the time it deserved and the band went on an indefinite hiatus. A year later, though, both Tymon and Robin quit Cynic and moved back to the Netherlands and Exivious picked up where they left off, but with a greater sense of purpose and vigor.

This rebirth of the band brought about a new sense of dedication and commitment, with plans for new album releases and much touring. Unfortunately, Stef’s full-time commitment to Textures led to him parting ways with Exivious. He was replaced by longtime friend of the band, Yuma van Eekelen.

In 2011, Exivious played their first major outdoor festival at Brutal Assault in Czech Republic. The following year the band joined Obscura, Spawn Of Possession and Gorod on their first European tour. The band has received many positive comments about their live performances, often mentioning the immersive musical experience.

At the end of 2012, Exivious kicked off a crowd-funding campaign for their upcoming album, Liminal. The goal of 8,000 Euros was reached within a week and by the end of the campaign, the amount collected was more than double the goal. Subsequently, recording for Liminal kicked off in November 2012 and the album was completed in April 2013. Liminal is produced and mixed by Tymon Kruidenier and is expected to release in November 2013.

Liminal draws not from musical influences, but from life itself, capturing emotions, conveying feelings and experiences in a way that instrumental music rarely explores. It’s experimental, original and most importantly, immersive, drawing the listener into a world of sound that is at once challenging and intriguing.

by Deepti Unni

www.facebook.com/exivious .

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