Fraktal | en

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Here’s a band from Argentina called Fraktal and through the Viajero Inmovil label, they released their debut Ask The Rabbit. Fraktal is a four piece band, Frederico F Fariña on guitars, Humberto Salazar on drums, Luciano Harbero on bass and Claudio J Rodriguez on lead vocal and guitar. Joining them is Juan J Lópex on keyboards and sound effects on six tracks.

Fraktal’s music isn’t in the classic progressive style that most are accustomed to. They’re mainly from the Radiohead & Sigur Ros type alternative style of prog. There’s probably a better “label” to describe them but to me, the band falls perfectly within the progressive genre due to the complex nature of each songs. Just like Radiohead and Sigur Ros, the whole album has an overall somber downbeat feel.

Fans of the afore mentioned bands along with modern King Crimson, Porcupine Tree will definitely need to get this album in their collection ASAP! Ask The Rabbit is also for fans of modern alternative bands too. It’s a perfect cross-over album without becoming a hit-making machine. .