GEEK | en

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Born of the industrial north of England, raised in working-class towns with the burden of aspirations, four friends who have, together in some form or another, been making noise and messes (and excesses) for over a decade. Geek were a gang from the start, and continue to be so: brothers bonding over a shared love of volume, expression, exhilaration and the tinnitus that follows; a bond formed in the cold heat of rigorous rehearsal regimes and formative experience; in the hard knocks of shared bruises and losses, whilst the girls and the money may come and go, Geek remains(!), our only constant in an uncertain world. A vague agreement to meet up on a weekly basis becomes the most committed thing you ever did in your life. The essence of a band...? Held together as much by fear as hope, a crew of misfits sailing a stolen boat to some unknown destination. The only Zen insight you ever achieve creating your own nirvana; losing yourself in a moment that never ends.

Geek specialise in fantasy, distortion, bullshit and avoidance. It’s a wonder we get anything done, but nonetheless we are always working on something new; if you dig our shit and you’d like to work with us, please email us, we love it when we get emails that aren’t about penis enlargement.

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