Spring Boutique | en

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Spring Broutique is an indie pop/twee group based in Manila Philippines. It was formed in 2002 by siblings Anthony (guitar) and Px (guitar) (who did all tracks of the album). Lorelie (vocals) and her cousin Basil (drums) (who did a lot of bedroom recordings that were never heard besides by a few close friends who tagged along) were Anthony's officemates back then. Caleb who knows Px joined and did some great bass lines.

The original SB was Basil (drums), Px (guitar), Anthony (guitar), Caleb (bass), Lorelie (vocals) (Under Shooting Stars, Golden Teardrops). The group have recorded 1 album (Sunny Day Pop Tuesday) back in 2003 which was released under Dorothy Records (Philippines) and Quince Records (Japan) and still available (I guess). Shelflife released a cd-r entitled "It's a Sweet Thing". Anthony and Lorelie were able to shoot a video for Fall for Colour track which is in YouTube. Later in 2003 distance crept in and they stopped making music.

Lorelie joined Ryan (Apple Orchard) to form a duo called Golden Teardrops. Now, that's another story...a love story. .

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