Twitch Of The Death Nerve | en

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TWITCH OF THE DEATH NERVE was formed in March 2005 by Tom Bradfield (guitar/vocals/programming) and Tom Carter (bass/vocals). The pair had already played together for years in UK brutal grind band BEEF CONSPIRACY but wanted to start a project where they could focus on playing a more brutal and guttural style of death metal. In July 2005 T.O.T.D.N. released a split cd along with fellow UK band BLUDGEON and the Australian CORPSE CARVING. The split, β€œAnd Then There Were Three” was released by Australian label LIFE FLUID PRODUCTIONS. T.O.T.D.N. are now writing material for a full-length album to be recorded some time at the end of 2006 with the objective of vastly improving on the production of the split and growing more technical and more brutal. The band is also working towards adding a second guitarist and starting to perform live. The third member looks set to be Paul Wilkinson of UK brutal death metal band DETRIMENTUM. As well as BEEF CONSPIRACY, both founder members also play in the cult underground brutal death/grind band, INFECTED DISARRAY. Tom Bradfield is also one of the people behind the UK underground label, GRINDETHIC RECORDS along with Junky Jon from GOREROTTED. .

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