Widerstandsnetzwerk | en

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WiderstandsNetzWerk [WNW] began when Vadim Hasenkopf [VH] decided to face his love to electronic music and synthetic instruments in 2005. It is a solo project, which was created after ten years of classical piano education. At this time VH was once saturated of classical music and went down to the streets to find the truth of living in newer more technological music. The first sensible contact with electronic music led him first into the dark music scene. He began his route following noise and industrial artists and performances. Parallel to his first experiences with this kind of music, he visited the technical high school, specializing in the magic of electronic circuits. After that his love for wave forms and oscillator synthesis began.

The giving german name of "WiderstandsNetzWerk" (resistance network) and the ambiguity of it inspired him to create electronical music with an eye on actual socio-political, psychological and technological problems. First all began with an ROLAND Juno-D Synthesizer, with which the first samples where created in addiditon to sequence them with the Audio processing Software SONAR LE.

Following two self released demo tapes `A tribute to my World’ and `Psychological Warfare’ in 2006 and 2007, where WiderstandsNetzWerk found his first experiences with focus on noisy and brainfucking sound. The first tape was a production of mixing cold-hearted movie quotes with an experimental mixture of different hardcore synths. Heavily distorted vocals were an act of fact in the first tracks of the WNW project. The second, more melodical tape, described the story of a desperate soul, whose cries for help are not heard and whose existance slowly getting destroyed cause on the basis of social ignorance. There was also an experimental playing around with vocals and movie quotes, but not as noisy as it was in the first tape.
The track `Please hate me´ of the first album `A tribute to my World´ enjoyed a fairly wide popularity on MySpace and has also been played in various dark scene clubs. As an capitalism and GEMA ciriticism WNW focused mainly on independent music production without wasting any thoughts of a commercial population of his music.

On tenth March 2007, a gig with another scene-bands on the industrial festival in Ingolstadt, organized by the Nachtwerk-Crew, was given in Ingolstadt. There he performed among othe a cover-version of the populated track `Zombie Nation´ .

In 2008 `Resistance is necessary’ set the sound for another WNW experience, a combination of heavy sequenced bass lines, sound shaking beats and an overdose of synthesizers and samples. That was even the time where he found his love and inspiration in old 80s EBM, synth and new wave tracks. Elements that have remained at the core of the WNW sound were the noisy sequences and experiments with different drum styles. In `Resistance is necessary´ there were no more vocals included. It was a great pleasure when Christian Purwien asked for releasing the track ´Gegenschlag´ in May 2005 in the Orkus magacine. In that time a KORG microKORG joined the party of music instruments. Over that he was interested in creating music with the AWS Propellerhead Reason 3.0.

However things were about to change as VH decided parallel to create some dark oldschool rap samples for another project, that never was realised. Then he concentrated on the study of electrical engineering and information technology, so the last years between 2008 and 2010 he didn't found much time for his one true love - the music. VH learned more experience by placements in the sound and event technology, microcontroller programming and hardware developing in the television and radio technology and even hacking experiences inside an hackerspace.

If ‘Resistance is necessary’ had seen a step forward for WNW then its follow up ‘Nature of technology’ from 2011 was WNW running into the technological future. `Nature of technology´ describes formally a music at which WNW throws himself not only on an specific genre area, but his heart following musters a mix of music with various electronic elements and illuminates his approach to these technologized generation with cirtical eyes. Many impressions and experiences of the past few years are included. For one, these tracks press enthusiasm over the possibilities offered by modern technology, on the other hand they should also represent how they affect our entire life on this planet and also rob us much of what we once loved and was expensive.
The mankind has been incredibly far from its very nature, so it is uncertain which factors are more important in the future.
Vocals are included in some tracks, sounding more naturally then before.

In 2012 WNW worked mainly on his fifth album 'Evolution of Chaos', which he published on 18.11.2012 also ultimately on Jamendo. This album processed current experiences from their own experiences of everyday life and the feelings that WNW of the big picture of life has by itself developed. A much emotionally concrete teres album as 'Nature of technology' was in the process and is about the development of the personality and the thought of being in hopeless situations. The jump over his own shadow across one of the most important feelings which gives this album.
The album includes 12 tracks and was compiled under the same technical conditions, as has been sampled and mastered the album 'Nature of technology' from the year 2011. .