Yaşar Güvenir | en

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Yaşar Güvenir was born in Turkey, İzmir in 01/29/1929. He was a great composer and pianist and played a key role in the history of Turkish pop music. In spite of the big numbers of performances he made, he only had one LP. Some of his songs still being performed and covered by several singers such as; "Sensiz Saadet" and "Yıllarca Sabrettim". He also composed a song named "My Crazy Baby" for Italian pop singer Mina. Yaşar Güvenir passed in 1998 in İstanbul where he spends most of his life.
All the LP's and singles of Yaşar Güvenir:
*Yemeni Bağlamış / Ağla Gitar - Melodi Plak 2224, 1965
*El Cordobes (Yıllarca Beklerim) / Unutmam Seni - Melodi Plak 2225, 1965
*Yalan / Nerdesin - Sahibinin Sesi 3012, 1966
*Kim Bilir / My Crazy Baby - Sahibinin Sesi 3013, 1966
*Gel Desen Gelemem ki / Seninle Sensizim - Philips, 1968
*Sensiz Saadet - Yankı Plak LP, 1979 .

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