Los Calchakis | en

Founded by Hector Miranda in 1960. Their first LP promoted by Violeta Parra, won the highest award from the Académy Charles Cros in 1970. The "Loisirs Jeunes" prize followed in 1971, along with several "disques d’or” in France,Spain and Mexico. They played the soundtrack of "Etat de Siege" the film by Costa Gavras starring Yves Montand and composed by Mikis Theodorakis. They took part with Atahualpa Yupanqui in : "Soy Libre", a Belgian TV program awarded a prize at the Montreux Festival in Switzerland. They performed at several French classical music festivals and gave over 3000 concerts in the world’s...
Found 157 songs, duration: 08:36:11
El condor pasa
El condor pasa
Hasta Siempre Commandante
Fruta fresca
Pizarro Y el Inca
Tupac amaru
Janag Pacha
Patria Adentro
Alturas de Machu Pichu
Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Soles y lunas
Que nadie sepa (la foule)
Cachullapi de las Brujas
El Centinela
Sol Nocturno
Himno Al Sol
Luna de santa mart,
Lejana Purmamarca
La piragua
Volcanes Chilenos
La Perigrinacion
La Que Mas Quiero
Misterio de los Andes
Pablo Neruda
Sol Fecundo
Flor de amor,
Llorando se fue
Sol de Vilcabamba
Chamame en flor
Concierto en la Llanura
Por Montes Y Valles
Misa criolla kyrie
La Pastora
Selvas Virgenes