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Iwona Węgrowska (born May 17, 1982 in Zory) is a Polish pop singer. She began her solo career in 2007. She compose songs for herself but also for other artists such as Magdy Femme. Iwona's first solo album was selftitled and was released November 28, 2008. In 2009 she won the Eska Music Ewards in category "Radio Debut of the Year." .
Agus Hadi Sudjiwo (lahir lahir di Jember, Jawa Timur, 31 Agustus 1962) yang lebih dikenal dengan nama Sujiwo Tejo dikenal sebagai seorang dalang, yang juga seorang penulis, pelukis, pemusik dan bahkan disebut seorang budayawan. Karya dan pentasnya mengajak kita untuk mengenang masa depan karena masa depan kita ada di belakang, ada pada akar budaya Indonesia yang dibanggakannya. Keinginannya mengangkat akar budaya Indonesia menghasilkan kepeduliannya yang tinggi agar kesenian Indonesia merujuk pada akar budaya tapi diolah dengan metabolisme kreatif sehingga tidak menjadi kuno. Dalam metabolism itu tetap dicerna seluruh hal yang datang dari luar. Dengan pendekatan ini, Indonesia akan dikenali juga...
Jan Křtitel Václav Kalivoda (Johann Baptist Wenzel Kalliwoda in German) (February 21, 1801 – December 3, 1866), was a composer, conductor and violinist of Bohemian birth. Kalivoda was born in Prague in 1801 and as early as 1811 started studying violin and composition at the Prague Conservatory. He made his debut as a violinist at the age of 14. Upon completion of his studies he became a member of the Prague Opera Orchestra. His diploma from the Conservatory read "Excellent player solo or in an orchestra...shows great talent in composition." More prosperous tours as a violinist, for instance to Linz...
Order our new album @ http://www.interpunk.com/item.cfm?Item=51839& Check out our youtube page @ http://www.youtube.com/user/GolliwogHC Follow us on Twitter @ http://twitter.com/golliwoghc NEW ALBUM 'PLAGUE ALLEGIANCE' OUT NOW!!! ORDERING: golliwoghc@yahoo.com http://www.interpunk.com/item.cfm?Item=51839& Fast and Hard, In Your Face Punk-Rock from Slovenia. Radical, anarcho-political and animal liberation lyrics. Supreme female vocals with backing vocals. For stream listening of whole 'More Than Meets D.I.Y.' album, news about the new album 'PLAGUE ALLEGIANCE', and to become a fan of Golliwog on facebook, go to: http://www.facebook.com/golliwog Add Golliwog as a friend at: http://www.facebook.com/golliwogpunk http://www.myspace.com/golly http://www.golliwog.org Download 'Plague Allegiance' book in PDF format at: http://www.herosh.com/download/2044583/Plague.Allegiance.by.Golliwog.pdf.html More Golliwog music: http://www.last.fm/music/golliwog...