Aarni Aho | en

Some of the themes in Aarni's music may include: Balancing your ancestral path with the positive sides of modern technology & cultural redesign; magick, occultism, esoterica and world mythologies, brain-change, Discordianism, collective & personal liberation, transhumanism and theories of analytical psychology (especially those of C.G. Jung); the Cthulhu mythos as described by H.P. Lovecraft and fellow authors; plus divers more obscure topics. Aarni's superintelligent lyrics take form in the language believed most suitable for the song's subject: usually in English, Classical Latin or Finnish and occasionally in French, Ancient Egyptian, Hebrew, German, Enochian, Glossolalic, Ouranian-Barbaric et cetera. Aarni has of...
Found 34 songs, duration: 01:23:22
Uplifting Christmas
Motivational Corporate Background
Ambient Space Technology
Cool Idea
Ambient Dreams
Ambient Chilling
Hopeful Ambient
Modern Science Full
Ambient Chilling
Modern Science Full
Hopeful Ambient
Modern Technology
Modern Technology
Uplifting Sport Inspiration
Ambient Chilling (Music Bed)
Ambient Chilling (Music Bed)
Modern Science Background
Modern Science Background
Ambient Space Technology
Modern Science Full
Modern Funk Groove
Corporate Chill Groove
Rock Attitude
Hard Rocking
Uplifting Inspiration
Fresh Indie Fun
Uplifting Corporate Adventure
Quirky Halloween
Garage Rock Commercial
Uplifting Inspiration
Garage Rock Commercial
Motivational Corporate Background
Uplifting Inspiration
Fresh Indie Fun