Creative Ades | en

There are at least 2 artist with the name ACE OF SPADES 1. ACE OF SPADES is a four-piece japanese rock super-group formed in 2012 by guitarist HISASHI (GLAY), vocalist TAKAHIRO (EXILE), bassist TOKIE (unkie, LOSALIOS, AJICO, RIZE) and drummer MOTOKATSU MIYAGAMI (The mad capsule markets) ACE OF SPADES will release their 1st single called "WILD TRIBE" on August 22. 2. Japanese doom/thrash metal band. .
Amistades Peligrosas was a Spanish band formed in 1989 by singers Alberto Comesaña from Galicia and Cristina del Valle from Asturias. Their music blended two Spanish Music types such as Celtic and Arab which is part of Spanish history and culture. Bagpipes, flute and bouzouki are common instruments used by the band. Amistades Peligrosas disbanded in July 1998. .
For the British rock band, please see The Renegades. 1) A hardcore band on Lost Time Records. 2) Renegades were a garage rock band from Atlanta, GA. They featured three members who would go on to form the Black Lips. 3) Renegades is also a Trinidad & Tobago steel pan calypso band, which is sometimes referred to as Renegades Steel Orchestra. 4) Renegades is the name of the side-project from two members of the band Feeder, featuring guitarist Grant Nicholas and bassist Taka Hirose, as well as Karl Brazil from Ben's Brother. (The music embedded on this page is not...
3. Efter syv års pause er et af dansk blues’ flagskibe igen på scenen. Det århusianske band, med sangeren James Loveless i front, bragte i halvfemserne nye standarder til dansk blues med et utal af koncerter og de anmelderroste albums ”Shades of Blue” og ”On a Mission from Muddy Waters”. Nu er missionen genoptaget – til ære for Muddy Waters og blues-folket. Bandet selv svæver i de højere luftlag efter genforeningen, og glæden og engagementet brænder igennem i musikken og det nyeligt udkomne ”Live” album, “Feels Like The First Time”. Med sin baggrund i amerikansk gospel synger James Loveless med...
There are, at least, two artists with the name Palisades. 1. Palisades are a post-hardcore band from Iselin, New Jersey comprised of members of Marilyn Is Dead. Band members include: Louis Miceli on vocals, Matt Marshall on guitar, Xavier Adams on guitar and vocals, Earl Halasan on guitar and programming, Brandon Reese on bass, and Aaron Rosa on Drums. For more info, see their Facebook. 2. Palisades are post-hardcore band from in Melbourne, Australia. Stream and download their demo here. .