genious | en

The Urban Dictionary offers many definitions for "Genious", some of the most popular of which are listed below:

1) "It is often the case that idiots describe themselves as 'genious' but are ironically ignorant to the fact that the word is spelt 'genius' - much to the amusement of us intelligent people."

2) "Many people have spelled the word genius this way for as long as they can remember. It is NOT the correct spelling. The correctly spelled word "genius" is used to describe one's intelligence."

3) "What one person calls another while trying to subvert the other's intelligence, often in a public forum. The attacker may account for the superfluous "o" by claiming to be of French heritage, but no one will believe him and will enjoy the irony of misspelling "genius" while trying to undermine another's intelligence. A petty member of the forum will point out the mistake and may create a new definition for "genious" at Urban Dictionary."

4) "When stupid people are trying to prove they're smarter than you, but have no idea how to spell the word Genius" .